The History of the World Since Adam
The Tetra Scroll helps you grasp the scriptures in a whole new way.
Seeing the entire timeline at once makes you automatically aware of where events fall within the 6000-year period since Adam’s creation and in relation to other important events.
Key words are highlighted, and each event is accompanied by cited scriptures, which allows you to quickly locate almost any topic in your Bible.
The Tetra Scroll includes:
1000-Year Benchmarks
Patriarchal Birth and Death Lines
Biblical calculations
World Powers
Bible Writers
Kings of Israel and Judah
Rival Nations
Top Ten Religions of the World
Important people and famous secular events such as:
Alexander the Great
Julius Caesar
Antiochus Epiphanes
Translation of the Septuagint, Samaritan Pentateuch, and Masoretic Texts
The Protestant Reformation
The Crusades
The Inquisition
Important Wars
A non-interpreted list of Future Event from Revelation
And much, much more!
A unique and efficient design. How does it work?
When reading about Elijah, for example, you are able to see which millennium he lived, which kings are ruling the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, the Gregorian and Hebrew dates involved, Egypt is still in power, Assyria will soon overtake the Ten Tribe Kingdom in the north, how much longer until Babylon attacks Judah in the south, and where to find it in scripture. All this information is available at a glance!
Now, when you read about Elijah, you will have much more background, which enhances your understanding and appreciation of scripture.
In addition to the visual advantages, the scroll contains many of the treasures our Heavenly Father has hidden in the scriptures for us to find. (Pro 25:2)
The Tetra Scroll... Like a 6000-Year Snapshot from Heaven!

Prints Available in
15"x52" and 18"x63" and 22"x78"
Please Note:
15" Prints have small-print Bible-size fonts
18" Prints have standard novel-size fonts
22" Prints have slightly larger than novel-size fonts

Inside The Scroll

The Name
To honor our Heavenly Father, and to allow His people to decide for themselves how to address Him, Bible Scrolls International has decided to use the Hebrew version of our Father's Name, יהוה, on the Tetra Scroll throughout the text.
The Four Hebrew Letters יהוה will appear whenever we are referring to our Heavenly Father. (Ex 3:15)
The Hebrew Name Yeshua, along with the Hebrew letters ישוע, is used for the Messiah, the one who came to die for our sins that we might have ever lasting life by believing in Him. Yeshua is the Son of the Most High, the Word, and the Prince of Peace.

About Dates

Tetra Scroll Bible Timelines
Bible Scrolls International, LLC
(808) 722-5738
Website: TetraScroll.com
Email: wendy@tetrascrolls.com
We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions.
Bible study is a wonderful, never-ending journey. The more we study, the more we realize there is yet to learn!